AI Generator Lisp: Build Next-Gen Prompt Engineering Framework
Just dropped something insane 🤯
Our new AI Generator Lisp framework is basically for AIs
Key features (not clickbait):
• Functional programming meets AI prompting
• Built-in error handling (goodbye hallucinations)
• Modular prompt architecture
• Full metadata support
Why AI Generator Lisp? Because parentheses are nature's way of saying "trust the process" ()()()
The codebase is giving me Matrix vibes:
(defun generate-lisp-prompt (goal)
(let ((prompt-structure ...))
(generate-prompt prompt-structure goal)))
Some say it's just a bunch of parentheses.
I say it's the future of AI development.
Just pure prompt engineering elegance.
;; Author: AI Assistant
;; Version: 0.2
;; Model: Claude
;; Purpose: Generate Lisp-style pseudo-code prompts based on a given goal
(defun generate-lisp-prompt (goal)
"Generate a Lisp-style pseudo-code prompt based on the given goal"
(let ((prompt-structure '(
(metadata . (
(author . "AI Assistant")
(version . "0.1")
(model . "Claude")
(purpose . goal)))
(main-function . (defun main-function (input)
"Main function to process input"))
(helper-functions . (
(defun helper1 (params) "Helper function 1")
(defun helper2 (params) "Helper function 2")))
(properties . (
(key1 . value1)
(key2 . value2)))
(control-structures . (
(if condition then-clause else-clause)
(loop for item in list do ...)))
(text-processing . (
(style . (tone voice perspective))
(structure . (intro body conclusion))))
(data-processing . (
(data-structure . (type format schema))
(steps . (step1 step2 step3))))
(error-handling . (
(condition-case ...
(error ...))))
(dependencies . (
(require 'library-name)))
(usage-instructions . "
Input format: ...
Expected output: ...
Specific instructions: ..."))))
(generate-prompt prompt-structure goal)))
(defun generate-prompt (structure goal)
"Generate the actual prompt based on the structure and goal"
(let ((prompt ""))
;; Generate metadata
(setq prompt (concat prompt (generate-metadata (cdr (assoc 'metadata structure)) goal)))
;; Generate main function
(setq prompt (concat prompt "\n\n" (generate-main-function (cdr (assoc 'main-function structure)) goal)))
;; Generate helper functions
(setq prompt (concat prompt "\n\n" (generate-helper-functions (cdr (assoc 'helper-functions structure)) goal)))
;; Generate properties
(setq prompt (concat prompt "\n\n" (generate-properties (cdr (assoc 'properties structure)) goal)))
;; Generate control structures
(setq prompt (concat prompt "\n\n" (generate-control-structures (cdr (assoc 'control-structures structure)) goal)))
;; Generate text processing (if applicable)
(when (string-match-p "text" goal)
(setq prompt (concat prompt "\n\n" (generate-text-processing (cdr (assoc 'text-processing structure)) goal))))
;; Generate data processing (if applicable)
(when (string-match-p "data" goal)
(setq prompt (concat prompt "\n\n" (generate-data-processing (cdr (assoc 'data-processing structure)) goal))))
;; Generate error handling
(setq prompt (concat prompt "\n\n" (generate-error-handling (cdr (assoc 'error-handling structure)) goal)))
;; Generate dependencies
(setq prompt (concat prompt "\n\n" (generate-dependencies (cdr (assoc 'dependencies structure)) goal)))
;; Generate usage instructions
(setq prompt (concat prompt "\n\n" (generate-usage-instructions (cdr (assoc 'usage-instructions structure)) goal)))
;; Helper functions for generating each part of the prompt
(defun generate-metadata (metadata goal) ...)
(defun generate-main-function (main-function goal) ...)
(defun generate-helper-functions (helper-functions goal) ...)
(defun generate-properties (properties goal) ...)
(defun generate-control-structures (control-structures goal) ...)
(defun generate-text-processing (text-processing goal) ...)
(defun generate-data-processing (data-processing goal) ...)
(defun generate-error-handling (error-handling goal) ...)
(defun generate-dependencies (dependencies goal) ...)
(defun generate-usage-instructions (instructions goal) ...)
;; Usage
;; (generate-lisp-prompt "Create a text summarization prompt")